Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, we can handle the spring start-ups, time adjustments, and winterization.
We have crews that can mulch, pressure wash, do color plantings, manage planting pots, clean synthetic turf, maintain green roofs, add drainage solutions, top dress and renovate lawns, Aerate and de-thatch when needed, roto-till and prepare garden areas, and ornamental tree pruning up to 15 feet.
We use the best-practices for Pacific Northwest landscapes: “Cass Turnbull’s Guide to Pruning: What, When, Where, and How to Prune for a More Beautiful Garden”
Not many viable options are available in the dry formatted pellets we need to use, so we recommend that the customer contact one of the several companies around that do apply liquid organic products.
We are conscious of protecting our waterways and follow local agricultural recommendations to ensure we don’t over-apply products. Because we are onsite regularly, we monitor for pests carefully and stop them before they get out of control.
Absolutely. We typically work at a flat rate quote with additional dump fees.
We are happy to adjust or install a new irrigation head to ensure your new plant gets watered.
Of course, please submit a repair request and we’ll be glad to help.
We recommend a service that will spray a liquid moss control and fertilizer over the lawn area, at least 4 times per year.
Of course, we’re happy to help your home keep looking tidy and refreshed. Let us know what schedule works for you.
We’ld love to chat! Please call or email.